
A photo of board-certified pathologists and staff at the NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, 哪个最近收到了1美元.2600万的联邦专用资金.

每年, NHVDL从宠物身上收到数以万计的样本, 农场动物, 野生动物, 研究, 全国各地有水生动物和动物园动物.

50多年了, the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NHVDL) at the 主要研究 生命科学学院 and 农业 has helped secure animal and 公共卫生 by providing essential diagnostic services to the Granite State and New England. The NHVDL also provides valuable training to 主要研究 students in the medical laboratory, veterinary and 阀杆 disciplines—experience that these students bring to the workforce and advanced degree programs.

现在,很大程度上要感谢 参议员的支持. 珍妮·沙欣(NH-D), NHVDL将获得1美元.26 million in federal appropriations to expand their diagnostic services and capacity to safeguard the region from emerging infectious disease threats.

每年, NHVDL从宠物身上收到数以万计的样本, 农场动物, 野生动物, 研究, 全国各地有水生动物和动物园动物. This recent federal appropriation will help solidify the lab’s quality assurance program and bring its staffing to a level needed to pursue full accreditation with the 美国兽医实验室诊断医师协会 以及加入 国家动物卫生实验室网络 (NAHLN). Membership in the network would allow the NHVDL to support infectious disease diagnostic testing in New Hampshire and northern New England—areas where the lack of official NAHLN testing providers poses a significant challenge, 特别是外国疾病和其他高后果疾病, 罗布·吉布森说, 实验室的总经理.

“这将是实验室的变革时期, building capacity and resiliency and securing a level of accreditation that represents the dedication our diagnosticians and staff bring to the many veterinary clients and stakeholders that rely on our services.” ~ 罗伯·吉布森, NHVDL总经理

“I am extremely grateful that Senator Shaheen was able to secure these funds,” said Gibson. “这将是实验室的变革时期, building capacity and resiliency and securing a level of accreditation that represents the dedication our diagnosticians and staff bring to the many veterinary clients and stakeholders that rely on our services.”

The lab’s board-certified veterinary pathologists and staff play an integral role in the education of future animal care professionals and scientists across various disciplines. 学生在 COLSA非常成功的兽医预科课程 在NHVDL接受实践培训, where they use state-of-the-art equipment and build the skills necessary to address workforce shortages in the medical laboratory fields. 另外, the NHVDL faculty teach courses and serve as academic advisors to students considering careers in veterinary medicine.

“Expanding the NHVDL’s capacity offers our undergraduate and graduate students more ways to develop the skills necessary to safeguard our animal communities and to quickly enter a highly skilled workforce.” ~ 安东尼•戴维斯科尔萨学院院长

“长期以来,主要研究的学生都有机会获得有意义的知识, 实践工作,补充他们的学术追求,COLSA院长安东尼·戴维斯说. “Expanding the NHVDL’s capacity offers our undergraduate and graduate students more ways to develop the skills necessary to safeguard our animal communities and to quickly enter a highly skilled workforce.”

成立于1971年, the NHVDL is jointly managed by 主要研究 and by the NH Department of 农业, 市场和粮食(NHDAMF). 该实验室与当地政府密切合作, 州和联邦机构, 在他们中间, 美国农业部, 新西兰兽医协会, 新罕布什尔渔猎店, 以及新罕布什尔州卫生与公众服务部.

“NHVDL plays a critical role in the early and rapid diagnosis of highly contagious and consequential diseases in New Hampshire-resident animals, 以及那些生活在新英格兰的人.” ~ 斯蒂芬·克劳福德他是新罕布什尔州的州立兽医

“NHVDL plays a critical role in the early and rapid diagnosis of highly contagious and consequential diseases in New Hampshire-resident animals, 以及那些生活在新英格兰的人,斯蒂芬·克劳福德说, 新罕布什尔州兽医. “很多这样的疾病, 如布鲁氏菌病和禽流感, 对农业物种构成重大威胁, 人类健康和经济.”

“The lab is also sentinel for the many foreign and emerging animal diseases, 例如非洲猪瘟和口蹄疫, 这对整个美国构成了重大威胁.S.他补充道。.

The NHVDL receives funding from the NHDAMF; 主要研究; federal grants; federal cooperative agreement funds through NHDAMF; fees for services and private donor funds.

永利app新版本官网地址NH兽医诊断实验室: NHVDL为新罕布什尔州提供无障碍服务, 及时的, 并提供准确的诊断服务 新罕布什尔州农业部,市场部 & 食物; 新罕布什尔州卫生与公众服务部; 新罕布什尔州渔猎局; state and local law enforcement agencies; veterinarians; farmers; and other relevant state, 区域, 以及联邦机构. It is co-funded and co-managed by the 新罕布什尔州农业部,市场部 & 食物和食物 NH农业试验站 并由大学管理 新罕布什尔生命科学与农业学院. 自1970年以来,该实验室一直为国家和大学服务, 在动物卫生部门工作, 公共卫生, 环境卫生, 经济健康.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@ngskmc-eis.net | 603-862-4465